Not much,
For Sweetness and Beauty are tough to beat,
Yet, hiring a professional painter’s touch,
May profess Love more than any ol’ standard treat.
Now hear us out,
We’re suggesting something caring and practical,
Painted rooms, wallpapered hallways, kitchens with clout,
A fast, experienced Central Ohio team to finish punch lists both long and tactical.
For Valentine’s, share your Love and Care,
Give something long-lasting, for your whole family to enjoy,
Trusted Coatings could complete your “Honey Do” projects with flair,
After agreeing to a quote, we will quickly deploy.
Yes – chocolates & roses are always thoughtful and sweet,
But paint lasts way longer and protects more,
Plus, we deliver reasonable pricing and quality workmanship – packaged nice ‘n’ neat,
Whatever you decide to give, we hope it runs up your Valentine’s score!